The Emily Cross Set

I absolutely love this scarfie and hat set! I’m pretty proud of the Scarfie alone, if I’m honest; Something between a scarf and a cowl, and quite elegant if I do say so myself. I’ve even considered trying to draw up a pattern from this with an added hood for the younger generation and all the hoodie lovers out there, like myself. I was inspired to design this because I wanted something new, trendy and stylish. Something I could stamp my label on and proudly call my own! I came up with this crossover and paired it with a matching hat over the course of a couple of days.. Though I’d like to call the hat a “hybrid” because it can be made in a couple different sizes and styles, and who doesn’t love variety?? You can find the matching “hybrid” hat pattern here as well.

I’ve been crocheting for several years now.. admittedly almost all self taught, thanks to many how to books and YouTube tutorials. Although, my mother taught me the basics when I was in my early teens. I didn’t get much past learning to do a foundation chain and your basic granny square back then, though, but after the discovery of our 5th pregnancy in 2011 I was inspired to learn to make all the crocheted things. And so my journey into the lovely world of Klever Knots began…. I have thoroughly enjoyed this journey. The things that I never thought I could do with a hook and some yarn, and the amazing self gratification that comes with the completion of every project never gets old. It almost feels like a superpower, right along with keeping six tiny humans alive! 😉 I remember beaming with pride at the end of my first crocheted blanket, a welcoming gift for our 5th born, and it still makes my heart full when I see my sweet girl dragging it around with her like it is the most cherished item she owns. ❤️

I’ve been trying my hand at creating new designs for some time but I never quite got the hang of writing patterns. To be honest, it’s a bit of a daunting task, and I don’t much enjoy it.. but I love the idea of sharing my love for crochet with my fellow hookers. So much so that I just can’t keep this one to myself.

Please forgive the mess of the following patterns, as like I said, I’m pretty new to this whole pattern writing stuff. If you need any help or have any suggestions to make the pattern better and easier to follow, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment and I will do what I can to help.

Happy Hooking & Happy Holidays!

With love from, Amanda.

Owner & Creator of Klever Knots ♥️

Emily Cross Scarfie I used a single skein of a bulk wool blend worsted weight (4) from my local Micheals store. Any medium worsted weight yarn will do for this project.

You will need: J / 6mm Hook


6 buttons

Tapestry needle

Stitch Abbreviations – for both patterns: Ch – Chain

St – Stitch(s)

Ss – Slip stitch

Sk – Skip

Sc – Single crochet

Hdc – Half double crochet

Dc – Double crochet

Fpsc – Front post single crochet

Fpdc – Front post double crochet

Bpdc – Back post double crochet

Fptrblc – Front post triple crochet

Bptrblc – Back post triple crochet

BLO – Back loops only

FLO – Front loops only

Bwsc – backward single crochet

Special Stitches: 3rd loop only sc – if you are unfamiliar with this stitch I recommend googling it now! Trust me, there are several videos on YouTube that show you how this stitch is done.

Bwsc – This backwards single crochet is worked exactly as it sounds – backwards. Rather than working from right to left, you will work the stitches backward from the left to the right resulting in a beautiful rounded edging.

Ch 109.

1. Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in every st across. Ch 1. Turn. (108)

2. Hdc across. Ch 1. Turn. (108)

3. Sc in first st, then sc in third loop of hdc across to 2nd last st, sc in top of last hdc. Ch 2. Turn. (108)

4. Dc across. Ch 1. Turn. 108)

5. Hdc in first st, *fpdc in next, bpdc in next st*, repeat * across, hdc in last st. Ch 1. Turn. (108)

6. Hdc across. Ch 1. Turn. (108)

7. Sc in first st, sc in 3rd loop across, sc in last st. Ch 2. Turn. (108)

8. Dc across. Ch 1. Turn. (108)

9. Hdc in first st, bpdc in next, fpdc in next, *sk 2 sts bptblc in next 2 sts, bptrbc in first 2 first sk sts, fpdc in next, bpdc in next, bpdc in next*, repeat * 14 more times, fpdc in 3rd st from end, bpdc in 2nd last st, hdc in last. Ch 1. Turn. (108)

10. Hdc in first st, fpdc around last bpdc of precious row, *bpdc around next. Fpdc around next 4 bpdc of last row, bpdc, fpdc, bpdc*. Repeat * 14 times. Hdc in last st. Ch 1. Turn. (108)

11. Hdc in first st, bpdc around next, fpdc around next, *bpdc around next 4 fpdc from devious row, fpdc around next, bpdc around next, fpdc*. Repeat * 14 more times. Hdc in last. Turn ch 1. (108)

12. Repeat row 9. Ch 1. Turn. (108)

13. Hdc across. Ch 1. Turn. (108)

14. Sc in first st, sc in 3rd loop only across, sc in last st. Ch 2. Turn. (108)

15. DC across. Ch 1. Turn. (108)

16. Hdc in first st, *bpdc in next, fpdc in next*. Repeat * across. Hdc in last st. Ch 1. Turn. (108)

17. Hdc across. Ch 1. Turn. (108)

18. Sc in 1st st, sc in 3rd loop only across, sc in last st. Ch 1. Turn. (108)

19. Hdc across. Ch 1. Do not turn!

20. Backwards sc around. Ss to first bwsc, fasten off and weave in ends.

Add buttons and voila!

Emily Cross Hat H / 5mm & I / 5.5mm hooks

Medium worsted weight yarn.

Women’s For toddler, children’s and men’s sizing alter stitch counts (including ribbing rows) to toddler (50), child (60), and men’s (80). Then follow directions with adjusted stitch count. *Stitches are worked in multiples of 10.

Ribbing – Using H hook ch 9 (7/5/11).

1. Sc across. Ch 1. Turn. (8)

2. Sc in first st, sc BLO in next 6 sts, sc in last st. Ch 1. Turn. (8)

3. Repeat row 2 until you have 70(50/60/80) rows total.

4. Bring ends together and ss FLO across. This is your seam, turn inside out so the seam is on the inside of the ribbing. Change to I Hook.

Hat Body Starting Ch does not count as st!!

1. Ch 1. Sc 70 (50/60/80) sts evenly

around. Ss to top of beginning sc. ch 2. (70/50/60/80)

2. Dc in same st and around. Ss to 1st dc. Ch 2. (70/50/60/80)

3. *Fpdc in first st, bpdc* in next st, repeat * around. Ss to first st. Ch 1. (70/50/60/80)

4. Scfp every st around. Ss to previous fpdc from round 3. Ch 1. (70/50/60/80)

5. Sc in top of fpdc & bpdc from round 3. Ss to first st. Ch 1. (70/50/60/80)

6. Fpsc every st around. Ss to first st from previous round. Ch 1. (70/50/60/80)

7. Repeat row 5. Ch 2. (70/50/60/80)

8. Dc around. Ss to first dc. Ch 2. (70/50/60/80)

9. Fpdc in first st, bpdc in next. *Sk 2 sts, fptblc in next 2 sts, fptrbc in first 2 skipped sts, bpdc in next st, fpdc in next, bpdc in next st.* Repeat * around. Ss to top of first fpdc. Ch 2. (70/50/60/80)

10. Fpdc and bpdc around every fptblc, fpdc, and bpdc around. Ch 2. (70/50/60/80)

11. Repeat round 10. Ch 2. (70/50/60/80)

12. Repeat round 9. Ch 1. (70/50/60/80)

(for toddler) size skip to rnd 16) 13. Sc around. Ch 1. (70/50/60/80)

14. Repeat rounds 4-7 once. Ch 2. (70/50/60/80)

(for child size sk to rnd 16) 15. Repeat rounds 2-3 once. Ch 1. (70/50/60/80)

16. *Hdc in first st, hdc2tog next 2 sts*. Repeat* around. Ch 1. (35/25/30/40)

All sizes follow last 2 rounds. 17. Hdc2tog in first 2 sts and every st around. Ch 1.

for men’s beanie repeat Rnd 15 once more. 18. For women’s closed Beanie – Fasten off leaving a long tail to cinch top closed. Turn inside out to weave in ends. Add a Pom or leave plain. You may also consider chaining 30 and weaving it in to be used as a draw string so the hat can be worn as a beanie or messy bun hat.

19. For MBH – Sc in ea st and around a hair elastic. Ss to beginning sc. fasten off and weave in ends. OPTIONAL: If not using a hair elastic just sc around and fasten off. Weave in ends.

Feel free to share this pattern for FREE with your friends, finished products using this pattern may be sold.. but please share the love and remember to link back to this blog. ♥️